maciekimaciek maciekimaciek

Może ktoś mi podrzuci adres e-majlowy do komisarza Oettingera?

maciekimaciek maciekimaciek Polityka Obserwuj notkę 12

Dear Mr Oettinger,


Let me put it straight.


You are an European bureaucrat of an upper middle rank. But a clerk, basically.

As a clerk, you are only allowed to do what the EU law, firmly based on the European Treaties, strictly and evidently allows you to do.

I am pretty sure that you, as an EU clerk are not allowed by the EU law in force to review any draft of any code, in any EU country. Your review of a draft of a code would simply be a form of foreign censorship, something in-acceptable in any democratic country.

Therefore, your recent letter to Polish Minister of Justice in which you had asked to be presented with a draft of the media law is nothing more, than either a proof of your incompetence as a clerk, or a proof of your outright arrogance.


Let me remind you, Mr Oettinger that the EU bureaucracy does already have reputation amongst many Europeans.

Your incompetence, or arrogance if you prefer, is only going to worsen this reputation.


Kind regards

There is more to life than the bottom line on a balance sheet.

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